Outfit:Scandalize. SCANDAL NEW Details:Belleza(Venus, isis and freya), Maitreya, Slink Physique, Slink Hourglass Top, Strap and Short...
Tattoo:[White~Widow] Life - White @On9 2/9 - 2/28 NEW Detail:Only for meshbodies. 5colors Heels::::ChicChica::: Clotilde Red...
Hair:Tableau Vivant \\ Cinderella wig @Enchantment 2/11 - 2/28 NEW Hairbase:Tableau Vivant \\ Cinderella Catwa HB @Enchantment 2/11 -...
Earrings::::ChicChica::: Lena @The Liaison Collaborative 2/7 - 2/28 NEW Necklace::::ChicChica::: Lena Necklace @The Liaison...
Hair:Tableau Vivant \\ Bow updo @C88 2/8 - 3/6 NEW Hairbase:Tableau Vivant \\ Catwa HB Earrings:::: ChicChica::: Frill Black @on9 2/9 -...
Tattoo:[White~Widow] Rings - White @C88 2/8 - 3/6 NEW Details:Black/Red/White 3colors Fit with bento Mesh Heads (only Catwa, Lelutka,...
Top:N-Uno - Chloe Top // N 8 Skirt:N-Uno - Chloe Skirt // N 8 N-Uno - Chloe Outfit @We <3 Role-Play 2/4 - 2/28 NEW Pose:an lar [poses]...
Hair:Tableau Vivant \\ Aslant pony @C88 2/8 - 2/28 NEW Details:2 rigged mesh add on (normal and larger sizes) 1 HUD with 6 tint...
Hair:Exile::Soak Up The Sun Browns Top:Ec.cloth - Owa Hoodie - Violet @The Chapter Four 2/4 - 2/28 NEW Bodysuit:Ec.cloth - Velvet body...
Earring::::ChicChica::: Sandra earring Red @The Chapter Four 2/4 - 2/28 NEW *More info* Nail:alme. Cupid Hearts @The Chapter Four 2/4 -...