Hair:Tableau Vivant \\ Long pigtails add-on @Kustom9 2/15 - 3/10 NEW
Details:2 fitted (rigged) mesh hair. 1 HUD with 6 tint options.
Fatpack contains all four huds.
Hairbase is sold separately and it's not included inside the add-on packs.
Lelutka head dedicated hairbase also released.
Hairbase:Tableau Vivant \\ Cinderella Catwa HB @Enchantment 2/11 - 2/28 NEW
Pose:FOXCITY. Fairytale Pose 6 NEW
Details:FOXCITY. Fairytale Bento Pose Set (With Props)
5poses and Mirrored pose with props. Fatpack contains 1pose many more.
Lingerie:Addams // Aurora BabyDoll